Living with the Invisible Disease: Having a Social Life While Overcoming The Invisible Disease

Once a person is diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and gets ahold of the illness, and goes into remission, that person has a new challenge in life...

Achieving a normal social life. 

While it may be difficult for some to get out of bed or get through the day, for me it was more of a head game than anything else.

There are many things in the minds of those with Crohn's like...

1. Is there a bathroom near me in case?
2. Will I be eating? And if so, how will it affect me?
3. Will I be experiencing a flare-up when I go out?
4. What are my symptoms today?


In many minds like my own, we know the medicines don't cure the Chrons. The medicine is there to help our everyday lives so we know the symptoms will always be there, and flaring its ugly head. 

The absolute worst part of my social life, includes when I went to dinner or a movie, something with my friends or my family. The menu in itself was a challenge.

Imagine a person who just made their New Years Resolution the day before going to a bakery and seeing a bunch of cupcakes.

In all honesty that's how I feel.

I'll be guilted and people will talk about me and give me a hard time. People who think they know my disease but not actually know it.

For a couple years the doctor has you write down what bothers your stomach and how you feeeeeeeeellllll when you eat it.
(What? Did I go to a therapist to talk about my food problems?)

On every menu, you see the classics, steaks, seafood, salads, baked potatoes, chicken fingers, fries, and burgers.

But do you guys know what my eyes go towards?
- The hottest wings
- The milkshakes
- The celery that comes with the wings
- The fries
- And most of all the chocolate dessert

Now, now, now, when I was with my family or friends I always got the constant 
Are you surreeeeee you can handle that? That isn't on your low fiber diet.

Yes! Yes! I can handle it! 
The definition of being in remission means you are in recovery. That diet is for flare-ups, and as a basis to know what you can and can't handle.
(I know the foods to avoid and to eat. And what the foods will do to me. I can't live my life in a bubble for eternity.)

Or those lovely friends who think they have an idea about Crohn's but tell me I should eat a salad.
(I love salads but salads hate me. The ruffage is not good for any person and it is even worst for me.)

Every person with Crohn's is different though.
While there are different severities, there are also different symptoms, diets, and things a person can or can't do.

Some can't work, while others are workaholics.
Some can eat everything without being phased and some can't eat something that isn't on the low fiber diet.

I find myself to be in the in-between stages of these extremes.
While I find myself unable to get out of bed somedays cause of the pain, there are other days where I could run a marathon. There are also a lot of foods I can eat; but others that I either have really bad luck with or good luck, whatever my digestive system is feeling.

This disease messes so many people up. 

The fact that no one knows about it is the very reason. No one can see it, there is very little research on it, and no one knows what these people go through. Even the doctor that provides the treatment and studies sometimes looks at you blankly cause they don't know what you are saying. 

Not many people understand this life. And it's not the best conversation starter or ice breaker in the world.

I might be wrong but I doubt anyone wants to hear, "Hey, I have an autoimmune disease and if I eat the wrong thing or am stressed out by life I might have to spend the day in bed or I'll have to run to the bathroom."

That is why depression is a very reoccurring symptom of Crohn's. Because the life of a person with Crohn's is only being managed. 

Tell me who wants their disease to only be managed.

That we are going to "manage" the severe weight loss, the diet, the pain, and the general health. No problem is being solved, it's just managed. And honestly, more problems can only come with this disease like Colon Cancer, Leukemia, surgery, and all that fun stuff which they watch for.

In all honestly, I feel as though I have overcome such anxiety and stress about what people think or feel in my three years of having this disease. My big thing was during the pre-diagnosis, I felt so debilitated in living life. Cause I had no clue what was going on. 

Since the diagnosis, the best thing I realized for me was having a positive outlook and a smile on my face. I love laughing and while people make fun of me for laughing or smiling so much on a daily basis, I just find myself happy. I never wanted to feel defeated by this disease because I feel like that is how it gets ahold of you. 

I have heard so many people talk about how Crohn's knocks them down, and they can't get up in the morning. Some live in a hospital cause they can't take care of themselves, and some can't leave their house.

I'm lucky in my case cause some people can't do what I do.

When it fights I fight back and I wish I could fight for those who can't. 

You learn who your true friends are with this disease. I have never been covered with so much understanding in my whole life by both friends and family. 

A social life is possible with this disease; it starts with mental health. If you surround yourself with people who love and care about you, it sounds cheesy but you can overcome anything.

When your body fights/attacks you, you attack it back.



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